Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Does Laptop Screen Dry Out

If I had to make a reflection on 2010 and keep something, I'll take the last three months.
knew it would not be so easy to get excited about some images that we know exist but until you really know and almost feel inside we can not know what it is. I never imagined that would be able to get excited in front of a class reading a poem or tell me pretty things make me more tears spilled in a month.
This year I have discouraged many times, I have been so eager to throw in the towel ... but I think now I've found my way and most importantly is that I've found myself in this way will not know if I will continue my life, but for now I like it loves me and makes me feel so good cry of happiness or laughter from me at any time.
if it was not fate, not even if you can get to be the destination, I really think that both good and bad things happen because they have to go and nothing else ...
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Synethsis Of Benocaine
and reappear.
Actually it was time, I was three months without thinking about them, and now three days of re-absorbed, the same feeling runs through my body. There are days
I wake up very early, as if it had an internal clock, which makes me get up and go back again.
I still have a lot of fear, and do not want them to win again. Damn
Monday, November 29, 2010
Kraft Coleslaw Dressing
last few days do not stop stop by my head. Must be the cold or time, or not, maybe I need to think of you.
Now that my life has changed so much, I'm finally where I like to be, doing what I love and enjoy life ... I think it would be yet more perfect, even if he were here.
Remember all the dreams we had together?
- - "Maya, I'll wait, and we go together very far from here."
I guess in my little head how life would be with you here, as are my pudiéndote count new partners, such as new course and as my new life in another city. And
gets fucked all, when I close my eyes and it seems you are talking about me, I can hear your voice or feel your laughter ... and suddenly everything changes. And is that all I can see in my head are precious things seriously, so beautiful that they that everything around me is worth nothing and all I want is to re-close your eyes and see you again.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Where To Donate Unsued Insulin Syringes
When you start your trip to Ithaca,
that the road is long,
full of adventure, full of knowledge.
At Laistrygonians and the Cyclops,
the angry Poseidon do not fear,
such things never find your way,
If eye remains high, if a chosen
excitement to your soul and your body will guide.
At Laistrygonians and the Cyclops,
wild Poseidon will not find them,
if not carry them within your soul,
if your soul does not stand in front of you.
that the road is long.
That summer mornings are many
that with much satisfaction, with what joy
ports will enter first After seeing.
Make a stop at Phoenician markets,
and purchase fine things,
pearl and coral, amber and ebony,
and sensual perfumes of all kinds,
the most abundant and sensual perfumes as you can.
visit many Egyptian cities,
learn and learn from the learned.
always in your mind have to Ithaca.
The arrival there is your destiny.
But not rush the trip at all.
is better than last years.
And, as an old man, arrived at the island,
rich with all you got in the way,
not expecting Ithaka to give you wealth.
Ithaka gave you the marvelous journey.
Without her you would set out.
can not give you anything more.
find Although poor, Ithaka will not deceive you.
As wise as you have done, with so much experience,
now you have understood what is meant by Ithaca.
Today was the birthday of our teacher, my favorite and name like mine.
It was a day very striking and different, I never would have imagined they could get to spend so much in just a few hours.
All we have brought some poems for a birthday gift, and I have taken that I've put up there.
While reading it I could not stop my tears, not of sorrow but of emotion. This poem gives me so much, every sentence I think it has more reason than before and I think we all have our own trip to Ithaca.
Apart today is also a special day, for that is November 25. WORLD DAY AGAINST GENDER VIOLENCE.
So all those women, who suffer or suffered from this, do not deserve one day, but a million days, to hear and they can claim the echo of a woman, and we are very proud. And we are worth much more, so sometimes we may think ....
And finally, I leave a song that we have today in class and I dedicate it to all women in the world.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Hl-dt-st Dvdram Gh40f Dual

FM FM is fifty-two years and has spent more than thirty years in prison. The causes that led him there are drugs and a small robbery to get money to pay for their habit.
His words and appearance is full of pain and anger.
FM has made many mistakes in his life and he is aware of it. Whine and a reflection on all those years in prison, said that the health sector is very bad, with no individualized psychological support and that their days have been all drudgery.
know, from what I could tell that inside prison has seen and felt things that any human being, make the mistakes he commits, does not deserve. Images that you will spend the rest of his life for his head, and probably will not sleep many nights. He has seen too many friends die and many others do not know his whereabouts now.
But FM says: "Yet I am proud to be here, because my friends have not been so lucky."
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Future Of Mysore Mallige

More than 300,000 people suffer from brain damage acquired in Spain and every year, about 50,000 people are interrupted his life project as a result of brain injury.
Brain damage is damage that occurs in the brain structures suddenly in people who, born without any brain damage, suffered at a later stage of life, injuries as the result of an accident or illness. The most common brain injury is traumatic brain injury (TBI) caused by traffic accidents, labor, sports, falls or assaults.
Despite the magnitude of the problem There is almost total ignorance about the brain injury. Still felt the false belief that after eating the affected eye opens and returns to his life before the accident. The reality is quite different: the patient and his family will have to learn to live almost from scratch. Hoaxes or false beliefs abound, and real knowledge of what a brain injury is scarce. "A strong will can get everything" is one of the false slogans that will attach to a power that does not have. Unfortunately, even the best of intentions, can not regenerate damaged brain without a huge collaboration of experts in the treatment of brain injury.

Monday, October 25, 2010
Treasure Of Troy Slot Machine
Today was a day unlike any other.
class today has reached a new person, I will not say his name because I do not think so, but one day I learned a lot of things.
He is 37 and is from Cape Verde, has spent four years living in Spain, said that their conditions are not very good right now. It has come to our class, because I believe that fate has brought him there.
has moved and lives a few blocks down the school and by chance found the center.
just a month ago today, his wife and two young daughters have returned to Cape Verde and what you want, it's back there but fulfilling his dream project: to create a Cape Verdean Association of Down Syndrome children and people deconstruct socially.
How easy would the world with people like him
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Jack To Red White Cable
The teacher told us he was hallucinating because many of the students admitted and said that once a teacher told them "you are good to study." I could tell my story, I guess I remember all ... The worst thing is that I could not help being moved.
is true that there has been almost a year, but I think and it gives me goosebumps and makes me even more when I see other people may have been the same as me and that I can move my story the teacher or my classmates.
And now I'm so happy with my teachers and see them so close I can not stop thinking because there may be people like that, like her, able to break your dreams and illusions.
But as I've said many times before, so I thank you for making me see life differently, to want to beat every day and ignore these people.
Now after all, I have reached my goals, and the truth is that it's worth much, I'm happy to put all of that, yes, with help, tears and hard work.
And so happy I wake up every morning and can learn things that I love ....
And another thing, do not forget dear bloggers, but student life steals from me a long time:)
Friday, October 1, 2010
How To Unlock Voicemail Nortel T7316e
Ai! I have to inform you of many things that do not even know where to start. First of all, apologize for not giving signs of life for so long, but that of living between two cities is too time and more six hours of class per day.
For I tell you, I am now officially installed in Coruña, is a beautiful city and I love my new home from Monday to Friday. I have class every day from 3.30 to 9.30, the time seems a little killer, but the hours fly by and I what a blast. I'm doing a training cycle than social integration, and each day I am more sure this is mine and I really like.
Long time since I felt so good and so happy. I love going to class every day and bring a lot of new things to my life, I think this change of scenery has done me very well.
And those are my days, Monday through Friday, making a break on Thursday night, wonderful, indeed.
And finally, on Friday or else on Saturday morning and come home ... esque at home anywhere.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
How To Play Runescape In Ubuntu

I think I've ever made, she Andrea calls.
We go way, exactly two years ago this September.
She is a special person is not that special for me, so too, but she is special.
has a smile and is able to cheer on more trisites.
And I am very sorry, now I can only see that smile once a month or maybe two ...
I'll miss you Andri.

Saturday, September 4, 2010
Does Flucloxacillin Treat Chest Infection
Until recently, there used to believe or amulets, or self-help books or anything like that. But now I've become a bit paranoid about these things. This summer since I have taken notes in June, and saw that it was suspending three, I sank, I thought it best to not recover and be with those three next year. But reading blogs online, I found one that spoke of a book which I had been told before: "The Secret." I read a lot and I really believed them, mostly because I'm not Christian, or think you have too much faith, but taught me many things. The book based on a story makes you put your in place with another situation, and I did, I figured with my studies and expected in September. "The Secret" says you can not constantly thinking negative things because otherwise you end up going so bad that thing round your head, so I decided to think it was going to pass, that with effort and record what was going to get. Clearly, these results has given me "The Secret" but it taught me to be a little more positive, even my mother, my boyfriend and my friends repeat it every day.
has been a pretty tough month of August, all day locked up, leaving very very little and not stepping on the beach from the July 24, but it was worth a lot.
I have a feeling of tranquility that was very long time since I felt. I can say that long ago that was not as happy as I was yesterday. I've finally seen all my effort worth all these years, I can finally do something I like, I can finally enjoy mine.
So here I thank those who have trusted me so much and also those who have not.
And now I can say I am a bachelor and I think I expect wonderful years. In another city with new people and a thousand things to know.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
How To Heal Tailbone Injury

And it is a problem, give me when I least expect it. They are so quick to take hold of me in less than a second, do you lose control of my body and I become someone else.
Y esque overwhelms me being locked up all day in the middle of four walls, between pages and books. But I do not complain, because that's what really touches and only a week left. And if I endured a year, I can stand another week right?
So is the last week, just seven days ....
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Cruising For Men In Nj
And the only answer I have, are all full of doubts and most blank ...
myself not to answer it.
All this has passed, this is not beating me is that it has done. It has made me lose the nerves and all you have are eager to mourn and nightmares every night.
And this feeling I do not like, and worst of all, you do not know how to remedy it.