Monday, November 29, 2010

Kraft Coleslaw Dressing

The Best Years of Our Lives.

last few days do not stop stop by my head. Must be the cold or time, or not, maybe I need to think of you.

Now that my life has changed so much, I'm finally where I like to be, doing what I love and enjoy life ... I think it would be yet more perfect, even if he were here.

Remember all the dreams we had together?

- - "Maya, I'll wait, and we go together very far from here."

I guess in my little head how life would be with you here, as are my pudiƩndote count new partners, such as new course and as my new life in another city. And

gets fucked all, when I close my eyes and it seems you are talking about me, I can hear your voice or feel your laughter ... and suddenly everything changes. And is that all I can see in my head are precious things seriously, so beautiful that they that everything around me is worth nothing and all I want is to re-close your eyes and see you again.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Where To Donate Unsued Insulin Syringes

Ithaca. Konstandinos Cavafy.

When you start your trip to Ithaca,

that the road is long,

full of adventure, full of knowledge.

At Laistrygonians and the Cyclops,

the angry Poseidon do not fear,

such things never find your way,

If eye remains high, if a chosen

excitement to your soul and your body will guide.

At Laistrygonians and the Cyclops,

wild Poseidon will not find them,

if not carry them within your soul,

if your soul does not stand in front of you.

that the road is long.

That summer mornings are many

that with much satisfaction, with what joy

ports will enter first After seeing.

Make a stop at Phoenician markets,

and purchase fine things,

pearl and coral, amber and ebony,

and sensual perfumes of all kinds,

the most abundant and sensual perfumes as you can.

visit many Egyptian cities,

learn and learn from the learned.

always in your mind have to Ithaca.

The arrival there is your destiny.

But not rush the trip at all.

is better than last years.

And, as an old man, arrived at the island,

rich with all you got in the way,

not expecting Ithaka to give you wealth.

Ithaka gave you the marvelous journey.

Without her you would set out.

can not give you anything more.

find Although poor, Ithaka will not deceive you.

As wise as you have done, with so much experience,

now you have understood what is meant by Ithaca.

Today was the birthday of our teacher, my favorite and name like mine.

It was a day very striking and different, I never would have imagined they could get to spend so much in just a few hours.

All we have brought some poems for a birthday gift, and I have taken that I've put up there.

While reading it I could not stop my tears, not of sorrow but of emotion. This poem gives me so much, every sentence I think it has more reason than before and I think we all have our own trip to Ithaca.

Apart today is also a special day, for that is November 25. WORLD DAY AGAINST GENDER VIOLENCE.

So all those women, who suffer or suffered from this, do not deserve one day, but a million days, to hear and they can claim the echo of a woman, and we are very proud. And we are worth much more, so sometimes we may think ....

And finally, I leave a song that we have today in class and I dedicate it to all women in the world.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Hl-dt-st Dvdram Gh40f Dual

The jail is a reflection of the street, but smaller. International Day

"A country can not go well, when there are more prisons and more prisoners provinces in the Civil War."

FM FM is fifty-two years and has spent more than thirty years in prison. The causes that led him there are drugs and a small robbery to get money to pay for their habit.

His words and appearance is full of pain and anger.

FM has made many mistakes in his life and he is aware of it. Whine and a reflection on all those years in prison, said that the health sector is very bad, with no individualized psychological support and that their days have been all drudgery.

know, from what I could tell that inside prison has seen and felt things that any human being, make the mistakes he commits, does not deserve. Images that you will spend the rest of his life for his head, and probably will not sleep many nights. He has seen too many friends die and many others do not know his whereabouts now.

But FM says: "Yet I am proud to be here, because my friends have not been so lucky."