Paya, Boyacá, Colombia.

Bolivar and the army of liberation, passing
the wilderness of Pisba .*

Governing Council

In the municipality of Paya, Province of La Libertad, Boyacá, one of the most significant during the liberation campaign in Colombia, Governor Jose Rozo Millan, chaired the first Board of Governors, during which the people involved, local authorities and the mayors of other nearby municipalities in dialogue with members Departmental Cabinet.
Governor Jose Rozo Millan announced the construction of 3 bridges, works to be financed by the municipality, the sum of $ 850 million pesos of which the municipal administration headed Mayor Jose Roldan Maldonado, provide $ 330 million pesos.

"We had a delay for many years, we have been forgotten, but today we are more Boyacá, with its presence and Cabinet Department," said the mayor excited Roldán José Maldonado by placing the governor, "The Medal of Merit for his contribution to the development of the municipality of Paya.

Governor Jose Rozo Miller also announced the publication on the website of the Government of Boyacá, pre-contractual stage to pave the new road sectors Sogamoso-Mongua-the-Pisba Salina, in cofinancing with the INVIAS, with an investment of $ 8,258 million pesos, work will begin in 60 days.
The Government of Boyaca, "said he approved the supply of 15 thousand gallons of fuel for the towns of Paya and Labranzagrande Pisba for the use of machinery to be used for carrying out the works.

Power Company also Boyaca electrification advance three projects for the municipality, whose costs amount to the sum of $ 12,000 million pesos.
Contreras Luis Carlos Olarte

For its part, the Secretary of Health of Boyacá, Luis Carlos Olarte Contreras said that during the year was given a mobile unit to the town of Paya.
Juan Carlos Martínez

The Secretary of Education, Juan Carlos Martínez Martín said that it will invest 460 million to build three classrooms of the College Simona Amaya, works will begin next March, with an investment of over $ 800 million pesos.
In Boca de Monte school and college Simona Amaya, bathroom batteries are built with an investment of about $ 110 million wt. Martinez said Martin.
He took the opportunity to indicate that the village of Morcote have secondary education, and for the first time this year, will grade ten.
The departmental government pledged to contribute to the improvement of the road "Alto Bear "Paya, with the fuel supply and $ 40 million dollars for civil works along the route. Cocoa


cocoa and coffee Governor said that soon a delegation from the Ministry of Agricultural Development moves to Paya, so that, together with municipal authorities, define a plan of action.
the Governor announced the construction of a plan of 30 rural homes in the area bordering the town of Paya in the village of Morcote.
Source: Press Office, Government of Boyaca.
Hernán Castro Rodríguez, Editor Sinopinión.
Fort Ruins in Paya Thermopylae

action, conflict or battle of Thermopylae or Paya Paya or Paya's Fort was the first meeting of the Liberation of New Granada campaign, fought on June 27, 1819, outside the village of Paya.
Colonel Antonio Arredondo, was sent by General Simón Bolívar, to take the town and the road, to cross the Desert of Pisba and go to Tunja and Bogotá.
Troop 600 soldiers patriots took trincherón that protected the town and the road on three sides, and drove the English troops.
The National Anthem of Colombia, the stanza IX, devote the first two verses of his letter to this battle:
IX "The motherland and is formed, Thermopylaes forth;
constellation of cyclops its night brightened."
According to Lt. Omar Gómez Historical Studies Centre of the National Army the Battle of Thermopylae of Paya was very important at the tactical and moral spheres, as Bolivar's troops managed to fool the English army maneuvers and gain a victory, despite not having the same training and equipping the troops of General Morillo. SIMONA

The people of Paya always expressed his pride for heroin Simona Amaya, Payera women in the village of Llano de Miguel "enlisted man dressed in the liberating army. Simona
Amaya died fighting in the battle of Pantano de Vargas to get a chest wound, and being cared for his teammates allowed to discover their true gender.
School in Paya
greet Governor Jose Rozo Millan.
Notes and references: * Extract from the oil painting "Pisba Paramo" by Francisco Antonio Cano, Collection of the Quinta de Bolívar, Bogotá, blog archive, virtual library.
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