VALERIE LOURIE CONCERT Music of the French Caribbean
Wednesday March 2, 2011 Teatro Jorge Eliecer Gaitan
Carrera 7 # 22-47, Bogotá, DC 8:00 pm
Order invitation
at Headquarters of the Alliance Française.
The voice inside the island of Martinique, Valérie Louri, present a unique show which combines music and other Caribbean influences Bele. The concert will be opened by the Phonoclorica. Valérie Louri

The art of singing and dancing on the island of Martinique Valérie Louri is strength, sensuality and exoticism. That voice inside that has its roots in traditional music of the French overseas region and the traditional sounds of the Caribbean, will be heard next Wednesday March 2nd at the concert that the artist will be in the Teatro Jorge Eliecer Gaitan.

Before songwriter and singer, Valérie Louri was a dancer. She studied modern dance at the Alvin Ailey Dance School and Broadway Dance Center Broadway, New York, and returned to his native Martinique, where he discovered he had a debt to their land and decided to study its musical traditions. Thus was born the West Indian group Bely in 1999, which became known as a singer.

In 2003, his career took a new turn when she was selected by a team of artists in Paris to be part of the musical "The Legend of The Lion King" Euro Disney park. By same time, Valérie Louri was also selected by the Hibiscus Records label with whom he recorded in 2006, their first album, "Lanman Bay" ("Reach Out").
In production, the singer worked with Marc Elmira thus succeeded in traditional Caribbean rhythms of Martinique appear colored by the influence of Cuba and Brazil and even with some sounds that refer to the music of Carlos Santana.

In March 2007, Valérie Louri was one of the candidates selected for the French final of Eurovision contest with the theme "Besoin d 'Ailleurs' compound by Mark Prince, singer of the FFF (Fédération Française de Funk). In the event, won the fourth. The same year, 2007 SACEM prizes won in the categories Success in 2006 "for the song" Bay Lanman "Best Marc Elmira composition entitled 'Bay Lanman" and Revelation by "Air Caraïbes!".
After integrating the French troops of "The Legend of the Lion King", the artist recorded his second album, "Fanm Lanmou."

Entry by invitation. Invitations are available to the public in the 3 branches of the Alliance Française de Bogotá.
More information and music: Colombo Alliance Française, Bogotá, DC, www.valerielouri.net
Hernán Castro Rodríguez, Editor Sinopinión.

Notes and references www.antilles-mizik.com, www.people-bokay.com, www.sechuk.com., Www.flickr.com, Virtual Library.
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