Jaime Jorge Alberto Herrera, Mayor
Paipa, requires the Governor José Rozo
the "Order of the Golden Spear."

Coat of Paipa

Within the ceremony commemorating the 409 years of English foundation of the tourist capital of Boyaca, the mayor, Jorge Alberto Herrera Jaime, granted by decree No. 043 of February 19, 2011, the award "Order of the Golden Spear" in the Grade of "Gran Cruz", the Lord Governor of Boyacá, Engineer José Rozo Millán, for his contribution to the development of Paipa, through large social and infrastructure works.

During the launch and presentation of the Industrial Park and Crafts Paipa, Governor of Boyaca, Jose Rozo Millan announced the paving of 300 meters from entering the center, in response to the request made by this body, the tourist capital of the department .
highlighted the joint work of entrepreneurs and artisans who have spared no effort with the center, which provides employment for 950 people.
"You," he said with this work, are returning to faith and industrialists of Boyacá.
Boyaca Governor Jose Rozo Millan, referring to other works, explained that " departmental government has helped with 5,500 million pesos for the construction of new hospital Paipa, you become the pilot site neuro-program development and early learning and alternative business unit of health tourism, addressed also investing heavily in partnership with the municipality, to pave the Ring Tourism between the monument of "The Lancers" in the Pantano de Vargas to the Tourist Center of Paipa pools.
Monument View
The Lancers, the sculptor
Rodrigo Arenas Betancourt.

La Casa de Vargas

The departmental government, "said he also provided substantial resources for recovery and maintenance of the monument to the 14 Lancers Vargas and the House located in the place where the Battle of the Swamp development de Vargas. (July 25, 1819)
400 million pesos for the consolidation and strength of the Centre for Popular Memory, contributions that add up to more than 14 billion pesos. "

The award was imposed by the mayor, Jaime Jorge Alberto Herrera, Governor of Boyacá, Engineer José Rozo Millán, together with the municipality's social manager, Elda Diaz Camargo Enith.
Similarly, the mayor said, and lifted up the Secretaries of Finance, Rafael Humberto Rosas Caro, Infrastructure, Gilberto García Delgado, Health, Luis Carlos Olarte Contreras and the Secretary of Culture and Tourism Department, Maestro Ricardo Pamplona Bautista, the main contributions to this region.

Source: Press Office of the Governor of Boyacá.
Hernán Castro Rodríguez, Editor of Sinopinion.
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