Nova Sandra Liliana Ortiz

Nova Sandra Liliana Ortiz, who candidatizó its name to the House of Representatives by the Partido de la U. in the last elections in October 2010 and although appreciable obtained 14,500 votes was not enough to occupy a seat, complained in a letter to Party Chairman, Senator Juan Lozano Ramírez, how current members of the Departmental Board of the U Party, did not want to include as members of that board in policy and how desobligante letter, we do know that they, all men, women representing eleven boyacense and departmental directory quotas " are busy. "

is clear that the board of the U. Boyaca unknown, as ordered by the National Constitution of Colombia, and legislation requiring grant participation to women and what seems too serious, the statutes of his own party that in its ideological postulates, section 4, ordered his militants "respect for freedom free inquiry, cultural pluralism, ethnic, religious, gender and opinion. "
Likewise, the Party Constitution of the U. in Article 4, Democratic Principles, section 8, provides for "the promotion of participation in an environment of fairness and equality for young people, women and minorities."
Luis Guillermo Barrera Gutiérrez

Pablo Sierra Leone

Plinio Olano Edilberto

Party Political representation of U. by the department of Boyaca in the Congress is made in the House of Representatives Luis Gutierrez and Pablo Guillermo Barrera Aristobulus Sierra Leone. And in the Senate, by Pliny Edilberto Olano Becerra.
Juan Lozano Ramírez, President
Party of the U.

ignorance do not know if that makes the Departmental Board of the Party of the U. Sandra Liliana Ortiz Nova, may be because it advanced his political campaign to support the candidacy Boyacá Senator Juan Lozano, the current Chairman of the Party at national level, which would seem a policy inconsistency.
Nova Sandra Liliana Ortiz

What we do know is that Sandra Liliana Ortiz Nova, has all human merit and personal qualities, professional and partisan to be included in the Departmental Directory Partido de la U. in Boyacá.
The delay in doing so, the part of party executives at the departmental level should be investigated and sanctioned by the National Board, who shall, if the legal default, forward them to the authorities.
with full security, departmental board members of the Party of the U., will be repudiated and with them, their candidates for Governor, Assembly and Municipal Councils Boyacá, Boyacá for all women who know their political representation in the direction regional.
Hernán Castro Rodríguez, Editor Sinopinión.
Notes and references www.estenssorome.com.ar, nodogenero.blogspot.com, blog archive, virtual library.
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