Chiquinquirá, Boyacá, Colombia.

Fang Zhu

The Colombian Federation of Table Tennis, through the technical committee and its president Dr. Pedro Roldan Uribe, delegations confirmed that their departments will be participating in the IX NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP TEAM TABLE TENNIS in the city Chiquinquirá from 22 to 27 February.
registered leagues and his delegation are:
with 27 tenimesistas Antioquia, Bogotá 38, Bolivar 4, Boyacá to 28, with 7 Caldas, Casanare to 8, with 13 Cundinamarca, Huila with 4, Target with 1 , Santander with 8 Tolima Valle 10 and 11.

At this time there is a total of 159 teams. In the category where most teams are enrolled in the Children's Men 30 and Older Men with 27.
The categories in which the championship will be held: Pre
child born in 1998, 1999, 2000.
Child, born in 1996 and 1997. Youth
, born in 1993, 1994 and 1995.
Under 21, born in 1990, 1991, 1992 ... Major
single category

Some delegations will be arriving at the religious capital of Colombia on Sunday, February 20, who may make recognition practices in the stage set, like the Coliseum sports Parque Juan Pablo II.
is also important to note that athletes can play above, for example, a child can play youth under-21 and even older.
Fernando Yori

in Chiquinquirá held a refresher course in arbitration ordered by the judge Fernando Yory Boyaca, looking to educate and train 25 youth that will be part of the group of assistant judges.
Regarding the prosecution for this tournament, there will be a total of 30 judges, 10 and 20 different departments of Boyaca.
Edwin Bautista Martínez
The overall event will judge Edwin Bautista Martinez, from the city of Bogotá. currently chairs the League of Bogota and is the only International General Court of Colombia.
was in the scorer's table in the World Youth Championship to be met in Cartagena in 2009, was a referee at the Olympic qualifier in the Dominican Republic in 2008 and the Copa Brasil 2010.
Nationwide, has managed the National Intercollegiate and University in the last 2 years and other events in the Federation.
The Judge Fernando Yory accompany the department of Boyaca, who is currently designated to participate Colombia in the World over in Rotterdam, Holland.
Roldán Pedro Uribe, President of the

Sanabria Luis Fernando Martinez, Mayor of

Emilio Orjuela, Manager,
Indeportes Boyacá.
On Tuesday 22 competitions will begin in the morning and about 6:00 pm the same day, the inauguration of the championship meet with attendance of the President of the Federation Dr. Pedro Roldan Uribe, President of the League of Boyacá Dr. Gabriel Molina Sandoval, Vice President, Jorge Hurtado Neira, the manager of Emilio Boyacá Indeportes Orjuela, Chiquinquira Mayor Dr. Fernando Sanabria Martínez, plus guests and audience the coliseum.
Source: Orlando Parra Cortés, Press Officer, Cel 3134428781.
Hernán Castro Rodríguez, Editor Sinopinión.

Notes and references Archive blog, www.mujerydeporte.org, virtual library.
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