Our Lady of the Rosary of Tutazá

Tutazá Shield

Tutazá Church. Photo

The Press Office of the Governor of Boyacá says in his newsletter, which will be restored pipe organ Tutazá Township in the Province of Tundama.
That work will restore the Master Carlos Numpaque.
Although not give more details, we consider that the Teacher Numpaque mentioned, must have suitability for any important work forward. Nor
Press Office of the Governor took the trouble to photograph the body Tutazá to be restored and the unsuspecting public body photograph of Michoacan in Mexico, wrong! inducing error in the information and some would publish that photograph, thinking it is the musical instrument of the Church of Tutazá.
tubular bodies and Boyacá Colombia were brought into the country by religious communities from S. And mid-eighteenth century XIX, some priests ordained in their churches installation of this wonderful musical instrument.
Body of the Cathedral.
Chiquinquirá, Boyacá.

are well known tubular organs of the Basilica of Our Lady of Chiquinquirá in Chiquinquirá, Boyacá, which is in perfect working order and in which he played so many times
sacred music, the virtuoso Maestro Avellaneda, and died. So are
, tubular bodies Cathedral of Colombia in Bogotá, the Church of La Candelaria in the city of Medellin, the Cathedral of the capital of Antioquia, the Church of Yarumal in the same department and the Cathedral of the city of Cali.
Tubular Body
the Basilica
Yarumal, Antioquia, Colombia

"A pipe organ is a keyboard musical instrument. The sounds are generated by passing air through pipes of different lengths (from a few millimeters to several meters). It is classified as a wind instrument or instruments wind instrument category Keyboard and within the sub-blown air, along with accordion and harmonium.
consists of various registers or sounds, whose timbre depends on the shape, size, material or mechanism sound production. Is handled by one or more keyboards to play with his hands, and another consisting of pedals at the bottom. Individual records
are operated by levers or buttons within reach of the hand that touches the instrument.
In the past, air is supplied through a hand-powered bellows. Currently, also supplied by compressors.
The organ is played with hands and feet, making it advisable to study other keyboard instruments in order to go to his studio as an instrument.

The Centennial Hall of the Sydney Town Hall (Sydney). Holds largest mechanical pipe organ in the world. Giant tube that is over the console belongs to the registration of 64 '.
To explain the operation of a pipe organ, it is necessary to first explain the main parts of the instrument which comprises:
1. Case: structure that holds the instrument for functional and aesthetic.
2.Consola: Structure containing all the controls used by the organist to play, and parts are:
or Manual (s): Keyboard (s) to be played with the hands.
or pedals, keyboard played with the feet.
or records: Buttons or levers to select the type of sound or ringtone you want.
3. Tubing: Set of tubes or pipes of different lengths and materials charge of producing the sound. Body
Metropolitan Cathedral of Mexico.

4. Secret Cash provided with a system of valves and air channels which support the organ pipes.
5. Mechanism: A system that links the movements of the keyboards and other controls of the console to the secret.
6. Bellows: A device that provides air to the organ to function, they can be operated manually or electrically powered.
The tubes are arranged in sets or records (set of tubes similar timbre but with different lengths, the longest sound more serious while shorter sharper sound). "
tubular bodies in Colombia and the world have been built for over two hundred years EFWALCKER AND COMPANY Ludwigsburg, Germany.
"In the year 1895 to the House Walcker was entrusted with the construction of an organ pipe to the St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, whose commission was played with such flattering success, that the House was congratulated and flattered construction by His Holiness Pope Leo XIII, the Great Gold Medal, and also earned the honor of being named Supplier of the Vatican. "
Our Lady of the Rosary
of Tutazá, Boyacá, Colombia .

The story goes that during its passage through the town of Tutazá, during the campaign for independence, Simón Bolívar, was assigned to Our Lady of the Rosary.
Later in development Battle of Pantano de Vargas, in a time when the English force commanded the battle, Bolívar invoked the help of the Virgin he had visited, but not remember his name, called it "the virgin of tiestecitos" in the cottage built in Tutazá clay. Currently it is also called "the virgin of freedom."

Tutazá or Tutas is a municipality in Boyacá Department. It is located on the north-eastern Cordillera of the department, en route Tunja, Duitama and Sogamoso.
bordered on the north by the municipality of Sativanorte, on the west by the department of Santander, on the south by the municipality of Bethlehem and East with Peace River and Sativasur.
Tutazá Township, is a town that dates from before the conquest. Its name comes from the Cacique Tutazua, chibcha language that means "son of the sun."
Parents doctrinero Augustinians built a temple, which was a very simple construction, there began to worship the Virgin of the Rosary of Tutazá. The current pastor is Jose Arturo Ramirez Sanabria.
eighteenth century before this picture was venerated, and in 1650 they had organized their guild, as Dominicans are in the files of Tunja.
Tradition holds that the Virgin of Rosario is home Tutazá Quiteño. Bust and hands, for clothing, are of singular beauty, aquiline nose, gentle air and good height. Cobíjala a broad cloak at her feet a half moon. Carries in his right hand and rosary in his left hand the baby Jesus. Crown and halo of stars are mother and son.
Tutazá. Plaza Principal. Photo

Tutazá was proclaimed as a municipality on October 6, 1849 (162 years) by ordinance of the provincial Chamber of Tundama, depending on the canton of Santa Rosa de Viterbo, the first Mayor Agustin Rodriguez.
In the year 1848 was declared as district and parish Parish was proclaimed in his first year 1852siendo pastor Ramon Ignacio Avella, who began the construction of the present parish church. It was declared a formal parish Antonio Herran.
Tutazá Parish has within its archives documents of great historical value as the first baptized, the first deaths in 1775. The first baptism was in 1717.
mayors by popular vote in order are: Parmenio Rincon Carvajal, Estupiñan Myriam Guerrero, Ismael Moreno Sissa, Alirio Merchan Alarcón, Hugo Javier Dueñas Castro and Carlos Saul Reyes Estupiñan who is the current president.
Hernán Castro Rodriguez Sinopinión editor. Main Body
flute Brahojos of Medina,
Valladolid, Spain.

Notes and references: Google Earth, Wikipedia, blog.walckerorgel.de, www.taringa.net, Mayor of Tutazá, virtual library.
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