guayatas. Hall. Cj
Photo Rubiano.

With the presence of more than 120 attendees, featured actors in the territory of the Valle de Tenza and public sector support, the Corporation was established GAL VALLETENZANO first nonprofit institution that emerges as a Local Action Group - Economic Development Agency in the country.

The activity was carried out between 09:00 am and 3:00 pm on Tuesday the first of March 2011, in the school theater Township Guayatas.
During the meeting reviewed, discussed and approved the statutes that give legal existence to the institution, as a strategy for coordination for the advancement of the Valle de Tenza, between public, private and civil society in the pursuit of development comprehensive planning.

The event was chaired by the Chamber of Commerce of Tunja, executor of the project "GAL Valle de Tenza" and was attended by delegates from the Department of Productivity, Information Technology and Knowledge Management of the Government of Boyaca, the project DELCO, INCODER departmental management, Corpochivor, representatives of associations and organizations, the mayors of La Capilla, guayatas, Garagoa, Macanal and Campohermoso, universities UPTC, UNAD and Javeriana, among others.
Lifardo García Rodríguez,
GAL Project Director,

Statutes and the charter was ratified by 41 organizations, municipalities, Corpochivor and the Government of Boyacá as founding members view their participation as partners since the beginning of the project submitted to European Union and the Mincomercio.
Source: Lifardo and Alexander Burgos García Rodríguez Díaz, GAL, Valletenzano.
Hernán Castro Rodríguez, Editor Sinopinión.

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